Sunday, August 19, 2012

100 Best Blogs for Gadget Lovers

Geeks are not the only folks who like gadgets. In today’s technological world, it’s hard to get by without some knowledge of new technology and gizmos. These blogs will keep you up to date on all the newest technology, gadgets and consumer information.
Blogs for Gadget Lovers
1.Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide – If you haven’t heard of Gizmodo by now, I’m assuming that your cave simply doesn’t have the Internet.Now that you’ve found an Ethernet cable that reaches into the mountainside, enjoy the latest in tech news, entertainment info, and product reviews.
2.The Gadget Blog – One part consumer review, one part entertainment review, this site has something for everyone.Get the latest on low-price, high-tech toys, hot new operating systems, and even reviews of product ads via Youtube.
3.Crave, the Gadget Blog – This slick site never fails to delve deeply into a product.If you don’t believe me, witness their Samsung grand tour, in which the blog reviewed a Samsung TV, as well as two different types of Samsung phones.
4.Engadget –What sets this site apart is the high degree of user participation it invites.In addition to the latest in tech news, the site often invites your own commentary—whether that’s just comments on the articles, or open-ended challenges for how you might have designed a system better.
5.The 143rd Best Gadget Website In The World – From the moment you glimpse the title, you know this light-hearted site will be entertaining.They offer info on technology and translate “technology” quite loosely, resulting in info on gaming vests, pimped-out water pistols, and hand buzzers.
6.Gadgets Club – Like the name says, this site is all about the gadgets.Mixed in with the tech news and reviews are absolutely hilarious Youtube videos.
7.From the Desk of the Red Ferret – The focus of this site ranges from practicality to outright oddity.Kid-friendly laptops share headlining space with Big Ben USB drives and homemade rocket packs.
8.The Gadgets Page – This quirky, geek-friendly site has a heavy focus on Youtube.If you like seeing new cameras, utensils, and steam-punked Segways on display, this site’s for you.
9.Only Gizmos – This image-heavy site covers tech industry news, trends, and what’s cool in the world of gizmos.
Technology News
10.Dotgizmo – This site mixes its news and reviews with in-depth, often-provocative commentary.This commentary includes controlling video games with your mind, the death of the Palm Pilot, and much more.
11.Gizmos for Geeks – This site mixes its tech info with current events.Whether you need help figuring out Gmail or want to track swine flu outbreaks, this site’s got what you need.
12.MightyGadget – Like many sites, this page features news and reviews on the latest developments in the tech world.Unlike many sites, they utilize large, high-quality images that leap from the page and bring the news to you.
13.Gadget Advisor Technology News – This site is distinctive for its terse, easy-to-read updates and focus on computer-related news.
14.Geek Alerts – This visual-heavy blog focuses almost entirely on technology.USB hubs, mini speakers, and LED projectors are just a sample of the products featured.
15.Technology Bites – If you need help creating a social network, concerting files, or just connecting to your family, this site has an answer.
16.Gadgetizer – This site uses humor to bring you the absolute latest in tech news.This include’s Apple’s competition with Amazon, luxury laptops, and why sexy girls dig gadgets.
17.Tech Digest – Like the name says, this digital digest brings you the latest and greatest in tech podcasts, Internet humor, and hip products.
18.The Gadget Blog – This blog-like site is more verbose than most.The in-depth posts fully detail technology, such as having 10 bluetooth posts in a row.
19.The Gadgeteer – This site features the latest in often-pricey, often-awesome tech news.
20.Gadget Hobby – This pleasantly minimalist site offers feature tech stories and links to their latest forum posts. – The highlight of this site is its daily gadget features, bringing you the coolest tech info from all around the world.
22.The Gizmo Spot – This site brings you the latest in tech and new media news, ranging from industry dish to the latest Facebook developments. – These video podcasts feature an informative, amusing host giving you the latest tech low down in a variety of locales.
24.Gadgets Weblog – This computer-centric site helps you pimp your keyboard, embrace nano flash drives, and learn Microsoft’s latest secrets.
25.Student Tech News – This student-centric site focuses on tech news to help you survive campus life.That means info on password protection and how to create a detailed office—using only cardboard.– This site bills itself as bringing you “the future now.”Whether you need info on electronic golf clubs or the latest toilet tech developments, this site brings the future to you. – This site has a little of everything, offering gaming news and reviews, mobile device developments, and an easy-to-navigate website. – Another versatile site, this page focuses on podcasts, toys, and, of course, electronics.
29.Steve’s Gadget Blog – The focus of this site is examining “the collision of gadgets with the enterprise.”To this end Steve provides an easy-to-read, no-frills site with technology and software news. – This UK-friendly site brings you the latest tech news from over the pond.It mixes quick updates with contests, interviews, and more.
31.Pocket-Lint – This tech-news site comes with a high degree of organization.You can browse by which stories have been read the most, commented on the most, or just what’s newest. – This highly organized site tags all of its stories, letting you search its extensive archives for tech news past and present.
Gadget News and Updates
33.TechnoNix – This blends technology and software related news together remarkably well.Whether you need to password-protect your USB drive or need help going green, TechnoNix has what you need.
34.Crunch Gear – This slickly-designed site features news in bite-sized segments.If you need news on video game delays, new camcorders, or even the necessity of Swiss Army knives, this site’s for you.
35.Gizmo-Central – Another great site featuring quick, easy-to-read updates.While technology news of all stripes is posted, seasonal info is given preference, such as which BBQ racks will produce the most sizzling summer ribs.
36.Technology, Gadgets, and Curiosities – A RSS-friendly site, this page is all about the bite-sized updates.Primarily centered on computer updates, they also have a healthy amount of info on camcorders and cell phones.
37.Gadget Venue – This site offers a variety of great news.This includes new cameras, new netbooks, and, of course, the latest in Facebook news. – Aiming to be a site where the future of technology meets the present, this page certainly delivers.The quick-to-read updates on new phones, Amazon’s Kindle, and much more.
39.Today Gadgets – Another gadget-friendly site, this page focuses on the latest in Micro PCs, designer iPhones, and even wearable camcorders.
40.GadgetSpy – If you’d like to use a Wifi watch, host your own karaoke parties, or just use the latest in camera tech to snag some blackmail photos, this site has something for you.
41.The Gadgets Network – This is another great site focusing on practical tech news.This means all-in-one home theater setups and covert programs that make your Twitter “tweets” look like an Excel spreadsheet, so the boss will never know.
42.Gadget News – This site is tied into their own forum filled with tech-savvy users.You can just browse the latest news, or read and join discussions on all the latest stories.
43.T3 –Another slickly organized site, this page is divided into sections for news, reviews, and features.
44.Gaj-it –Another great tech site for UK gadget news.The focus is on quirkier news, such as Google making 007 tech real, and an amusing resignation letter in the form of a Super Mario Bros. game.
45.Gadget and Gizmos Blog News – Chock full of pictures, this site brings you industry gossip as well as reviews of the latest prototype gadgets.
46.Gadget and Tech News – The bite-sized site updates here keep you in the loop for news like NASA’s cancer sniffer, Nokia kickstands, and text-friendly tech developments.
Unusual Gadget News and Blogs
47.SlipperyBrick – This site’s goal is to focus on the quirkier news.This includes turning cell phones into metal detectors, hobo-friendly robots, and Japanese Coke machines that distribute free drinks during emergencies.
48.GadgetTastic – This tech-product featuring site has an emphasis on the geeky and bizarre.Mixed in with the usual tech news is info on purses inspired by the original 8-bit NES, Star Wars cookbooks, and Star Trek clocks.
49.Nerd Approved – As the name implies, this site features news fit for nerds.This includes truly bizarre fish bowls, car-shaped desktop cleaners, and salt and pepper shakers with television heads.
50.Book of Joe – Here’s to another site featuring the weird and wacky.This means news on singing dog alarm clocks, Pet Airways news, and info on so called “Yoda Chairs.”
51.Technabob – This colorful site mixes its news and humor in good proportions.This news ranges from a NES-themed computer mouse to radio-controlled cyborg beetles.
52.BoingBoing – This “directory of wonderful things” features a buffet of the bizarre, with CDC artwork (or is it?), video game balalaika tunes, and much more.
53.Popgadget – Golden iPods, wooden projection clocks, and mom-friendly electronics are just a few of the features at Popgagdet.
54.The Raw Feed – This humorous site is never afraid to bring honesty in brutal force.Whether they’re reviewing the stupidity of or a Mac made out of Legos, this site will make you laugh.
55.GadgetLite – This site’s specialty is geek news with the occasional morbid flair.If you get tired of browsing tech reviews and previews for the latest summer blockbusters, you can download iPhone apps that, among other things, help you track swine flu.
56.Gadgetopia – Despite its simple presentation, this site emphasizes humor.For example, news on amusing video game AI bugs and the downsides of mixing porn with your business presentation.
57.Crave – This site focuses on tech that’s more than meets the eye.USB flashdrive/flashlights, SIM card spy kits, and much more in the way of sleuth-friendly tech is featured.
58.Gizmo Avenue – This site focuses on the sleeker, sexier side of tech.Whether it’s slim new routers or Heidi Klum advertising a cell phone, this site helps bring sexy back to your browser.
59.Gadgets News – Here’s a site with a wider tech focus than most.Their colorful site lets you find women-friendly laptops, the latest Transformers toys, and much more.
Gadget Specifics
60.Cooking Gadgets – This kitchen-centric site focuses on colorful and quirky additions to your cookery.In-between info on colorful products to ring in spring and summer, this site also helps you scour for Internet deals on kitchen appliances.
61.Everything USB – This site has one focus: to bring you news, reviews, and photos of every USB product that hits the market.
62.MedGadget – Here’s a site focused entirely on medical gadgets and innovations.Read up on cameras diagnosing biological activity, brain-controlled wheelchairs, and much more.
63.The Unofficial Google Gadget Blog – This is a site with a very specific focus: customizing your iGoogle page.Whether you want quicker ways of shopping, quotes for the ages, or just pretty faces adorning your page, this site has it all.
64.InventHelp – Run by the Director of America’s largest invention trade show, this site gives you everything you’d ever want to know about inventions.Making them, reviewing them, and using them, this site has the info you need.
65.Gizmo Lovers – This site brings you the latest news regarding all things Tivo.
66.Great Green Gadgets – Who says going green needs to be low-tech?These gadgets help you recycle, harness solar energy, and much more.
67.Gizmograph – This picture-centric site brings you the latest new in the world of camcorders, digital cameras, and film cameras.
68.Giz 4 Geeks – This site mixes the latest in geek-friendly news (such as what your favorite Star Trek actors are up to) with a technology forum bursting at the seams with good advice.
Gizmo and Technology Reviews for Consumers
69.Gadget Reviews – The focus of this site is news and products that get your attention right away.Whether it’s Darth Vader alarm clocks, Obama flash drives, or just a pinhole camera to frighten your friends with, this site’s got what you need. – This site returns us to the tech-friendly realm, particularly for consumer goods.This includes iPhone news, new headsets, and even evo-friendly tech.
71.Gadget Lab – While this site has a wealth of informative articles, its bread and butter is the informative podcasts, offering the latest news and reviews of the entertainment industry.
72.VoIP and Gadgets Blog – This site mixes its news and product reviews with practical info you can use right away.That includes how to make free calls on Skype, and how to monitor the shadier programs on your OS.
73.Gadgetnutz – If you took these other sites and put them in a blender, the result would look like this.Reviews, rants, and raves are all blended into a single package. – This site’s goal is to provide “news, reviews, and how to’s.”This is done through featuring everything from the only slightly impractical (spy watches) to the downright fun (keyboard drum synthesizers).
75.Gadget Blog – This site mixes in timely tech news (such as a portable mister for those lazy summer days) with color commentary on the tech and software that’s worth your time—and what isn’t. – This colorful, geek-friendly site focuses primarily on reviews of all things electronic.
77.Personal Tech: Gadget News and Reviews – This site is a set up in a question and answer format, allowing you to get in-depth tech advice customized to your needs.
78.TurboGadgets – In addition to showcasing hot new tech products, this site has great reviews, awesome contests, and info on how technology can help you go green.
Gadget Blogs for Ladies
79.GeekSugar – This variegated site offers info on latest advanced cars, techno-friendly Mother’s Day gifts, and even wedding planning advice garnered from podcasts.
80.Techie Diva – While “techie” and “diva” aren’t often words that you see together, this site proves that it should happen much more often.This site includes healthy heapings of product reviews, informative videos, and the latest in tech news.
81.Cutie Gadget – If you’ve been looked for a tech site with a great aesthetic, you can stop right here.The emphasis is all-tech, all the time, with news on the latest phones, computers, and gamer-friendly keyboards.
82.Shiny Shiny – Another girl-friendly site, this page features the best of “geek chic” for gals.
83.Gadget Chick – This girl-friendly site brings you the latest in tech and gadgets with a flair for style.
Geeks On the Go
84.Gadgets and Gizmos – This site is definitely designed for the reader on the go.Check out the latest news on companies, products, and technological breakthroughs with a page that’s loaded before you know it.
85.Gadgets On the Go – Like the name says, this is a site focusing on mobile gadgets for the geek on the go.
86.Oh Gizmo – Whether you’re a gamer or a commuter, this site has something for you.News ranges from the latest downloadable content for your favorite games to eco-friendly camping solutions.
87.Ubergizmo, the Gadget Blog – If there was ever a site designed to be viewed on the same handheld devices they review, this is it.As soon as you visit the site you have immediate access to the top stories, the best deals, and info-packed articles whose previews rarely exceed a paragraph.
88.Gizmag – This terse site uses smart opening paragraphs and informative pictures to give you the most news in the least time.
89.Mobile Gadget News – The motto of this tech site is “making your windows mobile life easier,” and they certainly do.Quickly browse the latest news on hip products, OS enhancements, and in-depth reviews.
90.Gadget Mania Gadgets and Gadget News – Great for those on the go, this site focuses on giving you just the headlines, and letting you follow the links to the full tech stories you’d like to read.
91.Gadget Blips – This site is all about covering the biggest blips on the gadget radar.The blips are quick and easy to read, letting you scour tech news, 20 entries at a time.
Gamer Gadget Blogs
92.Tech E blog – This tech news site focuses primarily on entertainment news.To this end, it features video game graphics comparisons, drivable homemade vehicles, and news on geek-friendly flicks like Iron Man 2.
93.Gadget Heat – The heat is on with this quirky site, featuring news about Nintendo controller phones, Star Trek handsets, and other geek-friendly developments.
94.Gadgetell – This site focuses on entertainment, offering info on Sony’s online movies and TV, gaming news, and even exercise-friendly MP3 players.
95.Planet Gadget’s Gadget Blog – Discussion posts on video games, gadgets and product reviews. Great site for gamers.
96.Destructoid – The Gamer’s Community – A site just for gamer’s and the latest in video game technology and news.
Gadget Steals and Deals Blogs
97.GeekBrief – This no-frills blog provides info on gadget deals, reviews on the latest tech, and updates from your favorite companies.
98.The Gadget Site – This site’s specialty is helping you hunt down the latest technology deals.In-between, enjoy their colorful, picture-filled news and reviews.
99.LoopyGadgets – This site brings you all manners of tech news, and is never afraid to put similar products against each other with decisive results.
100.Geeks on Gizmos – In addition to their “featured gizmos, raves, and rants,” this site brings you numerous coupons and deals.

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